Weatherman in Hospital

A television weather reporter was involved in an accident, and broke both his arms and both legs. He had to call in from hospital to explain about the four casts.

This joke was Joke Of The Day on: 27 August 2023


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Floating Whales

Q: How do you make a whale float? A: Root Beer, two scoops of ice cream and a whale.

This joke was Joke Of The Day on: 06 April 2024


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Vampire in a bar

A vampire walks into a bar, and asks for a "Large glass of A-positive blood." The bartender looks him square in the eyes, and says "I'm sorry, but we don't serve your type here."

This joke was Joke Of The Day on: 18 March 2021


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Autumnal Lions

Have you ever notice how groups of lions tend to move on just before autumn? Of course; pride goeth before the fall.

This joke was Joke Of The Day on: 17 March 2024


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Family Yachts

Both my brothers have their own private yachts. My parents own shares in a cruise line company, and my uncles are oil tycoons with a fleet of tanker ships. I guess you could say I've got a lot of relation-ships.

This joke was Joke Of The Day on: 19 April 2023


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