Music in the Rain

A certain band director was standing outside on a metal ladder during a concert, when a thunderstorm broke out. Amazingly, he wasn't hit by lightning. The music was awful, though. It seems he just wasn't a good conductor.

This joke was Joke Of The Day on: 03 December 2022


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Venetian Blinds

If it weren't for Venetian blinds it would be curtains for us all!

This joke was Joke Of The Day on: 26 July 2023


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Sick Politicians

When politicians get the flu, you never know which way they're going to vote... Sometimes the eyes have it, and sometimes the nose.

This joke was Joke Of The Day on: 07 September 2020


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Tap Dancer

Did you hear about the man who was tap dancing? He broke his ankle when he fell into the sink.

This joke was Joke Of The Day on: 28 March 2024


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High-rise Pigs

A famous architect designed a new kind of building - high rise accommodation for pigs. He called them "sty scrapers".

This joke was Joke Of The Day on: 02 November 2019


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