The Wonky Donkey Game

Q: What do you call a donkey with three legs?
A: A wonky donkey.

Q: What do you call a donkey with three legs and one eye?
A: A winky wonky donkey.

Q: What do you call a minature donkey with three legs and one eye?
A: A winky wonky dinky donkey.

Q: What do you call a minature donkey with three legs and one eye that can play the piano?
A: A plinky-plonky winky wonky dinky donkey.

Q: What do you call a minature donkey with three legs and one eye that can play the piano and has a bad case of wind?
A: A stinky plinky-plonky winky wonky dinky donkey.

Q: What do you call a really clever minature donkey with three legs and one eye that can play the piano and has a bad case of wind?
A: A thinky stinky plinky-plonky winky wonky dinky donkey.

Q: What do you call a really clever minature donkey with three legs and one eye that can play the piano and has a bad case of wind that has been attacked by a squid?
A: An inky thinky stinky plinky-plonky winky wonky dinky donkey.


New Dress

One lady told a friend, "Whenever I'm down in the dumps I buy myself a dress."

The other one said, "I've always wondered where you got them."


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Shopping Duck

A duck goes into a shop and asks, "Can I have some lip salve please?"
The shop assistant asks, "Will you be paying cash?"
The duck replies, "No thank you, just put it on my bill."


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Mathematical anagrams

"Eleven plus two" is an anagram of "Twelve plus one"


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Two cents

When someone asks you, "A penny for your thoughts," and you put your two cents in, what happens to the other penny?


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