- Fat King
"Henry VIII was very fat," said Tom unthinkingly.
Permalink: unthinkingly
- Category: Tom Swifties
- Arthritis Researchers
"Our field is arthritis resarch," Tom and his roomate said jointly.
Permalink: arth_research
- Category: Tom Swifties
- Manor House
"A man's house is his castle," Homer said in a manor of speaking.
Permalink: manorhouse
- Category: Tom Swifties
- Iceberg
"We have to leave the ship even though it did not hit the iceberg," Tom said with reckless abandon.
Permalink: iceberg_reckless
- Category: Tom Swifties
- Bargain
"I'd like to buy this saloon from you," Tom bargained.
Permalink: bargain
- Category: Tom Swifties
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